Buy cheap and rent high-end

A top level property for a high rental return

სახეცვალების თარიღი 2018-04-10 / ხედის რაოდენობა 1482

Buy in the old and make the property high-end 

This investment makes it possible to target a particular customer base and to choose the solution that is much more profitable in terms of yields: seasonal rental investment.

Tbilisi and Georgia are becoming an increasingly popular destination for tourists. In 2019, more than 2 million visitors are expected in Georgia and a fortiori in Tbilisi. This number is growing steadily.
Targeting a high-end customer base means targeting the places frequented by these luxury clients, restaurants, clubs, river banks, historic districts. You will be able, with weekly rentals, to rent with consequent sums and to occupy a market which is never saturated. Moreover, this kind of good gives you the prospect of making very big capital gains at the time of its resale.

Properties that attract foreign investors.

Buying a property to make it high-end is an excellent option. This clientele is above all international. Many Europeans, Americans, Chinese, Russians, Quataris love these prestigious rentals which give them comfort and absolute tranquility. These first class clients are themselves often investors ready to put big sums to rent or buy this type of real estate. A market, like the luxury market, is never in crisis. In addition, six months is generally enough to meet the minimum annual rental return targets. The balance will be a great bonus and allows you to consider a new investment quickly.



* ინფორმაციის გაგზავნა ღილაკის ასამოქმედებლად საჭიროა

საიტი იყენებს ფუნთუშებს, გვერდების უკეთ მონახულებისთვის. დამატებითი ინფორმაცია ქუქი გამოყენების შესახებ.