Company Registration - Mainland
Modification date: 2022-12-10 / View count: 2013

Company creation in Mainland in Georgia

Entrepreneurs can choose among several legal forms when setting up their business, the LLC's Limited Liability Company status being the most common.
An LLC allows you to do business in Georgia. All types of activities are possible 

The benefits of setting up a company in Georgia:

  • Trade with the countries that have signed a General Free Trade Agreement such as Turkey, Iran, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. But also some European countries like Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, China and the United States of America.
  • Facility to open a personal or corporate bank account with e-banking and credit card.
  • A very attractive tax system.
  • Flexible management and simplified accounting.
  • Buy a property in Georgia via your company.
  • No minimum capital is required.
  • Repatriation of 100% of capital and profits.
  • Getting a Residence permit.
  • Reliability and confidentiality of the banking system.
  • Corporate income tax is 15% on profits and 0% of this is reinvested.
  • A 20% withholding tax on the salary paid by the Company.
  • 5% dividend tax.
  • 5% on rental income.
  • 1% tax on the value of the property.

The setting up procedure is straightforward, efficient and very fast. A single day is usually enough for registration. It does not require your presence in Georgia. A power of attorney granted to the legal representative of your choice is enough to complete the whole procedure for you.

Our services

  • BGG advises you on the rules governing your activity and assists you in the whole process of setting up your company in Georgia.
  • Procedures and Registration of your company -
    • Preparation and checking of all incorporation documents of your company
    • Transmission by e-mail of all documents prior to registration at the House of Justice of Tbilisi. After registration, we send you the original copies of the newly registered company by express mail to the address of your choice.
  • Opening your business or personal bank account in the largest banks of Tbilisi.
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